I don't want or animals in my life
Posted:Jun 20, 2020 7:00 pm
Last Updated:Jun 20, 2020 8:43 pm 11882 Views
I have too much sorrow. I am allergic to most furry animals. I tried to find someone with the same beliefs. No . No pets. No relatives Someone who is a , understands what it is like to been messed with. Understands that I don't like certain persons, because maybe I met some of them in the past 40 years. That most of this is a waste of time. God the devil jesus and such. I never been to Disneyland or Disney world. I don't want to discuss Disney. But the needs to know that I am messed with offline, it is horrible when I live even if it doesn't seem it. I don't want to think of the war constantly, I am a victim of wats. My father and others got cremated, I may too so there will be less shit and crap to hurt anymore. So, I like males with bigger penises. I don't like certain persons u don't want to have sex with black persons or there others because my father and I are shot and crap. Then there are the others that say this about me and others too, but at least my dad got cremated and some other relatives and friends and I may too. not an inbred , my father want and I am not a retard or sex offender. Public discussion is great. At least with cremation there is no reincarnation most of the time. One of my neices is Hispanic and been through this. I don't want to be seen with others as my cousins husband and are African Americans. Obits great as axyouth to white or Hispanic and called whores and shit at an old church. and my other neices are married or in relationships with black men. And I don't want . Then at the other church a bunch of caucasians will call the N word and u am not with anyone. then the next day are just garbage bags and cum dumpsters, I left an Indian man and society. I wanted a divorce from this. Worse relationship and such ever. Divorced, got divorced. I wanted the divorce, and this black woman agreed with divorce from the Indian family. I left the persons from India. And the textile industry took years. Others were make sure .
I am not someone's ex girlfriend
Posted:Jun 17, 2020 5:08 pm
Last Updated:Jun 20, 2020 7:02 pm 11873 Views
I am sure the person is heartbroken and crushed. I am not from the same place. I cannot get a phone.