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Articles by JuliaVictoria

JuliaVictoria 49 F
3  Articles
How come Dating Safety doesn't seem to be an issue anymore?   2/2/2005

For all I can tell, people don't seem to worry about dating safety all too much these days. <br> Do you guys believe this really isn't an issue anymore? <br> Well, I have heard

0 Comments, 92 Views, 0 Votes
JuliaVictoria 49 F
3  Articles
Do you still feel like a when in love?   2/2/2005

I don't know about you, but I still feel like a young girl when goingout on a first date. <br> No matter how cool, professional or calm I usually might be - first dates cause me to becom

0 Comments, 109 Views, 0 Votes
JuliaVictoria 49 F
3  Articles
True love - to me - includes to let go ...   2/1/2005

... I never needed to break up cause my partner cheated on me or started making up weird stories about where he had been and what he had been doing. <br> So far I was lucky and breaking

0 Comments, 59 Views, 0 Votes